Somozas Solar and Maragato Solar 1
Statkraft is developing the Somozas Solar and Maragato Solar 1 projects, the process of which begins in May 2019 with the request for permission to access the transmission grid, specifically to the Red Eléctrica de España substation, Montearenas 220kV, a permit that was obtained in October of the same year.
In December 2020, the applications for prior administrative authorization and environmental impact statement were admitted for processing. Since then, a detailed study of the location has been carried out to determine the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of the projects.
Somozas Solar and Maragato Solar are located in the province of León (Castilla y León) with an installed capacity of 181.35 MWp each, respectively, and which will represent a total of 362.7MW installed and a total investment that exceeds 250 million euros . More than one million solar panels will be installed on a 680-hectare site, and 652 GWh of energy will be generated per year capable of supplying more than 200,000 homes.